NAET Therapy
Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Technique, also known as NAET, is a non-invasive, painless, drug free, natural therapy to alleviate allergies and sensitivities of all types. It can be used safely on everyone from infants to the elderly.
NAET® was developed by Dr. Devi Nambudripad in 1983 as a method of overcoming her debilitating allergies and sensitivities. NAET uses a selection of, energy balancing, testing, and treatments such as: acupressure, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological procedures. Allergies and sensitivities are desensitised one at a time with one substance being treated per session. The substance must then be completely avoided for 25 hours following the treatment. Usually it takes a single treatment to desensitise an allergen; however, it may take several treatments to desensitise a severe allergen.
What are allergies?
An allergy is a condition where an individual has an unusual sensitivity to one or more substances that may be harmless to the majority of individuals. In NAET the allergic substance, known as an allergen, is viewed by the brain as a threat to the body's well-being. When contact is made with an allergen, it causes blockages in energy pathways, called meridians, by disrupting communication between the brain and the body via the nervous system culminating in diminished health.
NAET can successfully alleviate adverse reactions to: egg, milk, peanuts, penicillin, aspirin, mushrooms, shellfish, latex, grass, ragweed, flowers, perfume, animal dander and epithelial, make-up, chemicals, cigarette smoke, pathogens, heat, cold, and other environmental agents.
How NAET works?
The patient lies on the treatment couch with their arm raised and a vial containing a potential allergen in their other hand. If the patient is allergic, the muscle in the raised arm will immediately suffer from reduced energy resulting in weakened muscle strength. This is called a "muscle response test" (MRT). The treatment involves the use of acupressure through back massage to clear the blockages associated with the allergen.
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